There are several varieties of ants in South Florida, they can be found in and around your home as it is a source of food and water. Most varieties are more of a nuisence than harmful. Once a species is identified, treatment can begin.
Live in moist hot areas such as attics, kitchens, laundry rooms near air conditioners – anywhere they have a water source. They are known as one of the hardiest insects on earth living up to one month without food and can hold their breath for up to 45 minutes. Cockroaches must be baited to control. Florida Cockroaches.
Live in hot areas of your home such as attics and feed on many common glue products such as the backing on your wallpaper as well as paper bags, books, cereal and wheat flour. In search of food and water, they are often found in kitchens, bathtubs and bookshelves, closets and behind baseboards.
Are generally found on the exterior of your home around exterior lights, inside they congregate in corners of the ceiling where their webs can catch flying insects. Some can be found in dark, moist spaces inside your home. In Florida, spiders can oftentimes be poisonous causing serious risk to your health. The best way for to avoid a spider infestation is to turn off outside lights especially in the spring and summer when flying insects are so prevalent.
Wasps are considered pests when they nest close to buildings,. They present a danger to people as they may sting when you get too close to them. Stings are usually painful, rather than dangerous, in rare cases they have caused anaphylactic shock.
Reliant on water, adult females are responsible for stinging, ie collecting blood to feed their larvae. Mosquitoes have been found to carry diseases including encephalitis and West Nile Virus. The best method to treat mosquito infestation is to have a professional exterminator spray your lawn and ornamentals.
Are generally found on the exterior of your home around exterior lights, inside they congregate in corners of the ceiling where their webs can catch flying insects. Some can be found in dark, moist spaces inside your home. In Florida, spiders can oftentimes be poisonous causing serious risk to your health. The best way for to avoid a spider infestation is to turn off outside lights especially in the spring and summer when flying insects are so prevalent.
Adult fleas are parasites that live on dogs and cats, while the egg and pupae stages nest and live in carpeting, bedding and even cushions. Adult fleas can jump 7 inches vertically, up to 14 inches horizontally and lay up to 50 eggs a day. For successful flea control, take your pet to a veterinarian, while a professional exterminator treats your home and lawn. A tip to control fleas is to vacuum carpeting thoroughly and frequently, especially in the areas where your pet sleeps. Carpet that is not vacuumed thoroughly may often contain pupae which can survive for months while re-infesting your home. (No insecticide will kill the pupae stage).
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs infest your mattress, headboards, light switches, plugs, wall voids/cracks/ crevices & baseboards. In most cases, bed bugs are a once in a lifetime occurrence. They are becoming more common in hotel rooms, summer camps, etc. We offer complete Bed Bug Solutions.
Nuisance Animals
As we encroach on wildlife areas, these animals become a nuisance to residences and business. Raccoon, Rats, Cats can carry disease, bring fleas and ticks and do damage by Chewing wires, making holes in structures and bad odors can lead to costly repairs.